Conquering Stress: A Modern Guide to Achieving Balance and Harmony

Guest post by Julie Morris

In today’s fast-paced world, especially during the holiday season, stress can become an overwhelming presence. The added pressures of holiday planning, family gatherings, and financial concerns often intensify our usual stressors. This article, brought to you by Be as One, is designed to not only identify the common and holiday-specific sources of stress but also to provide effective strategies to manage it. We will explore how to navigate through the festive chaos with ease, ensuring a more joyful and relaxed holiday experience, along with overall well-being for a happier, healthier life.

Learn Your Stress Triggers

Identifying the causes of stress involves uncovering often overlooked factors like work pressures, personal relationships, financial worries, and health concerns. This recognition acts as a crucial first step in combating stress, illuminating hidden triggers. Armed with this knowledge, you can strategically tackle stress, moving from guesswork to targeted action.

Embrace Regular Physical Activity

Regular exercise goes beyond physical health, serving as an effective tool for stress relief through the release of endorphins, nature’s mood enhancers. Incorporating at least 30 minutes of enjoyable activities like walking, cycling, or dancing into your daily routine can significantly lift your spirits. This form of physical engagement not only boosts physical wellness but also operates as a natural antidepressant, making it a vital component in managing stress.

Nourish the Body and Mind

Improving your diet plays a critical role in stress management. Foods rich in nutrients fortify your body against the ravages of stress. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins offer fuel for your stress-fighting engine. On the flip side, limit caffeine and sugar, as they can amplify stress and anxiety. Consider your diet as a palette from which you can paint a more stress-resistant lifestyle. It’s not just about eating; it’s about nourishing both body and mind.

Go Back to School

Sometimes, stress is our mind’s way of telling us that we aren’t doing what we’re supposed to be doing. So if you’re thinking about a career change, going back to school is a great place to start! Online programs in particular offer a great deal of flexibility, and there are plenty of degrees to choose from. For instance, if you’d like to be a nurse, you could pursue an RN to BSN online, gaining valuable knowledge you need to get ahead.

Balance Professional and Personal Worlds

Establishing work-life balance is essential in our always-on world. This balance is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Setting clear boundaries between work and personal time is key. Dedicate time for relaxation and hobbies that rejuvenate your spirit. Remember, no job is worth sacrificing your mental and emotional well-being. In this balancing act, prioritize yourself; it’s the only way to sustain your productivity and happiness in the long run.

Cultivate Positivity

Maintaining a positive attitude is a cornerstone of stress management. It’s about focusing on solutions, not problems. Practice gratitude daily; it shifts your perspective from what’s going wrong to what’s going right. Surround yourself with people who uplift you. A positive mindset doesn’t just reduce stress, it also attracts more joy and success into your life. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy: the more positivity you emit, the more you receive.

Restore Yourself with Rest

Getting enough sleep is crucial for rejuvenation. Quality sleep is as vital as food and water for our well-being. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine to signal your body it’s time to wind down. Create a sleep environment that’s conducive to rest: cool, quiet, and comfortable. This restorative process is your body’s time to heal from the day’s stresses, preparing you for the challenges of tomorrow.

Mindfulness and Meditation

Practicing deep breathing and meditation are keys to inner peace. These practices bring a sense of calmness, helping you to navigate life’s storms with a steadier hand. Integrate them into your daily routine, even if it’s just for a few minutes. This commitment to mindfulness is an investment in your mental and emotional bank account, offering rich dividends in stress reduction and overall well-being.

Explore Alternative Relief Methods

In the quest for balance and harmony, exploring various alternative therapies can be a transformative journey. These therapies often focus on healing the body and mind holistically. Here are a few that have gained popularity:

  • Acupuncture: This ancient Chinese therapy involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. It’s believed to correct imbalances in the flow of energy (Qi), thereby promoting relaxation and healing. Acupuncture is widely used for pain relief, stress management, and even for chronic conditions like migraines and arthritis.
  • Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy uses essential oils extracted from plants to enhance physical and emotional health. Each oil has unique properties and can be used in various ways, such as in diffusers or for topical application. Lavender, for example, is noted for reducing anxiety, boosting mood, and aiding in better sleep.
  • Reiki: Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation. Practitioners believe in channeling universal energy through their hands to the recipient, fostering emotional or physical healing. It is often sought for its ability to impart a deep sense of peace and well-being, often complementing traditional medical treatments.
  • Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid: THCA is a non-psychoactive compound found in raw and live cannabis. Unlike THC, it doesn’t produce a ‘high’ but is researched for its potential therapeutic benefits. It has been associated with anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, making it a subject of interest for treating various health conditions. Be mindful when purchasing THCA that you find a reputable source.

Navigating stress in today’s hectic world, particularly during the holiday season, is an evolving process that demands self-awareness and dedication. The holiday period, with its unique blend of joy and stress from planning, family dynamics, and financial demands, adds another layer to this challenge. However, by pinpointing both everyday and holiday-specific stressors and applying the strategies discussed, you can steer towards a more balanced and joyful existence. Keep in mind, effective stress management, especially during these festive times, is crucial for your overall well-being. Prioritizing it not only during the holidays but throughout the year is key to a healthier, more rewarding life.

Photo courtesy of Pexels.

Be as One is here to help you get the harmonious life you deserve. Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out!
You can find out more about Julie Morris at

Susan Bailey, Author, Speaker, Musician on Facebook and Twitter
Read my other blog, Louisa May Alcott is My Passion

amazing grace album cover
new release, Amazing Grace” is now available!
Available on Amazon, Spotify, iTunes and YouTube

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Purchase Susan’s books.

River of Grace Audio book with soundtrack music available now on Bandcamp.
Listen to the preface of the book, and all the songs.

00 harmony color book featured imageMany people find coloring to be a wonderful way to relax and experience harmony in their lives. Is that you? Join my Email List to subscribe to this blog and receive your free Harmony coloring book (and more).


Your Comprehensive Guide to Personal Improvement: Health, Wellness, and Beyond

Guest post by Julie Morris

Personal improvement is not just a catchphrase; it’s a lifelong journey that impacts every facet of our existence. This guide aims to provide actionable insights across various dimensions – health, social well-being, mental wellness, and more – to help you live your best life.

Elevate Your Physical Health Through Exercise

Exercise is your first line of defense against physical and mental ailments. Not only does it keep you in good shape, but it also elevates your mood and reduces stress levels. From cardiovascular exercises like jogging and swimming to resistance training like weightlifting, choices are abundant. The key to successful physical improvement lies in consistency. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week to reap the rewards.

Fuel Your Body with Healthy Eating Habits

What you consume greatly affects your energy and mental sharpness. Embrace a diet centered on fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, and use meal planning as a tool to maintain this balance. By planning your meals weekly and adhering to your grocery list, even small dietary adjustments can lead to profound benefits for your overall health and mood.

Invite Friends Over for a Get-Together

Our social environment significantly influences our thoughts, beliefs, and ultimately, our actions. To nurture a positive mindset and strengthen emotional resilience, consider planning small get-togethers or online catch-up sessions with friends and family who uplift you and make you feel good about yourself.

Go Back on the Job Market

It can feel a little intimidating to go back on the job market – especially if it’s been a while – but there are plenty of resources to help. While much emphasis is rightly placed on the importance of a resume, don’t forget that the cover letter can be just as vital! After all, that’s usually the first thing prospective employers see, so it’s important to make a good first impression. If you’d like some tips, consider this option to give yourself an edge over the competition.

Seeking Sobriety: Consider the Benefits of Rehab

If you or someone you know struggles with addiction, know that there’s a way out. Rehabilitation centers provide specialized programs and treatments to help individuals regain control over their lives. Professionally administered treatment is often the most effective method for recovery. External help, structure, and support can make sobriety more manageable.

Unlocking Potential: The World of Entrepreneurship

Taking the plunge into entrepreneurship can be a catalyst for personal growth. It pushes you out of your comfort zone and challenges you in new ways. You’ll not only learn about business but also about your own strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities. While entrepreneurship is not for everyone, it’s worth exploring if you have a passion you want to turn into a livelihood. Make sure to do thorough market research and develop a solid business plan.

Meditation: Stress Reduction and Mental Clarity

Meditation has long been valued for providing a respite from our hectic lives, offering moments of peace and clarity. Simple practices like breath focus or thought observation can significantly reduce stress and enhance mental clarity. As little as 10 minutes of meditation a day can yield lasting benefits for both your mind and emotional well-being.

Yoga: Balancing Body and Mind

Yoga combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation to enhance flexibility, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. It complements other forms of exercise by providing both strength training and relaxation. Practicing yoga offers an accessible route to a balanced body and mind.

Hydration for Health: The Power of Drinking Water

You’ve heard it a thousand times: drink more water. Yet, many of us fail to heed this advice. Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for physical performance, cognitive function, and even emotional well-being. Aim for at least eight cups of water a day, more if you’re active or live in a hot climate.
Life is an ever-evolving journey – and personal improvement is its lifelong companion. From physical activities like exercise and yoga to mental strategies like meditation, the avenues are endless. Likewise, tackling social well-being and even considering entrepreneurship add more layers to your personal development. By taking proactive steps in these various aspects, you can significantly enhance your quality of life. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Make that step count.

You can find out more about Julie Morris at

Susan Bailey is an author, musician, and speaker who’d love to hear from you!

Susan Bailey, Author, Speaker, Musician on Facebook and Twitter
Read my other blog, Louisa May Alcott is My Passion

amazing grace album cover
new release, Amazing Grace” is now available!
Available on Amazon, Spotify, iTunes and YouTube

00 cover smalllouisa cover smallimaginary-heroes_cover
Purchase Susan’s books.

River of Grace Audio book with soundtrack music available now on Bandcamp.
Listen to the preface of the book, and all the songs.

00 harmony color book featured imageMany people find coloring to be a wonderful way to relax and experience harmony in their lives. Is that you? Join my Email List to subscribe to this blog and receive your free Harmony coloring book (and more).


Don’t Just Survive, Thrive: A Guide to Achieving Fulfillment as an Introvert 

Guest post by Julie Morris

In a world that celebrates extroverted traits, navigating life as an introvert can be challenging. However, it’s essential to remember that being an introvert is not a weakness but a different approach to life. Understanding your introverted tendencies and how they affect you can help establish a self-care plan that suits your needs. This article shared by Be As One will provide tips and strategies for creating a comprehensive self-care plan for introverts.

Establish a Consistent Routine

Introverts often thrive on consistency and predictability. A routine can provide comfort and control over your environment, reducing stress and anxiety. This routine could include waking up at the same time every day, sticking to a regular meal schedule, or setting aside specific times for work and relaxation. Remember, your routine should serve you rather than the other way around. Be flexible and adjust your schedule as needed to ensure it supports your well-being.

Allocate Ample Time for Solitude to Rejuvenate

As an introvert, solitude is not just preferred—it’s essential. Introverts recharge their energy by spending time alone, so incorporate ample alone time into your daily routine. Whether reading a book, walking in nature, or simply sitting quietly with your thoughts, these moments of solitude can help rejuvenate your mind and body.

Ensure You Set Aside Moments for Social Interactions

While introverts treasure their alone time, it doesn’t mean they should isolate themselves completely. Humans are social creatures and meaningful connections with others are crucial for our mental health. Try to find a balance between your need for solitude and social interactions. You might prefer one-on-one conversations or small gatherings rather than large parties. Remember, it’s about quality, not quantity, regarding relationships.

Engage in Energizing Activities

Find activities that energize and inspire you. These could be hobbies, exercise, creative pursuits, or anything else that brings you joy and boosts your energy levels. Engaging in such activities helps you relax and allows you to spend time in a way that aligns with your introverted nature.

Craft an Impressive and Professional Resume

Stepping onto a fresh career path can be equally exciting and overwhelming. One of your first steps in this journey should be crafting an impressive and professional resume that effectively showcases your skills, experience, and potential. A well-constructed resume can open doors to opportunities and be a powerful tool in your job search. If you need help figuring out where to start, seeking guidance on how to write a resume can be incredibly beneficial. From choosing the right format and writing

Allow Yourself the Right to Decline

As an introvert, you might feel pressured to say “yes” to every invitation or request, often leading to overcommitment and burnout. It’s important to realize that it’s okay to say no.’ Prioritize your mental health and well-being above societal expectations or obligations. Permitting yourself to decline can be liberating and contribute significantly to your self-care.

Make Restorative Sleep a Priority

Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining our physical and mental health. As an introvert, you may find your mind buzzing with thoughts at the end of the day, making it difficult to fall asleep. Establish a relaxing bedtime routine, create a peaceful sleep environment, and prioritize getting enough restful sleep.

Self-care for introverts involves understanding and honoring their unique needs and preferences. By establishing a consistent routine, prioritizing solitude, balancing social interactions, engaging in energizing activities, crafting a professional resume, allowing yourself to say ‘no,’ and prioritizing sleep, you can create a self-care plan that truly serves you. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to self-care. What matters most is finding what works best for you.

Susan Bailey, Author, Speaker, Musician on Facebook and Twitter
Read my other blog, Louisa May Alcott is My Passion

amazing grace album cover
new release, Amazing Grace” is now available!
Available on Amazon, Spotify, iTunes and YouTube

00 cover smalllouisa cover smallimaginary-heroes_cover
Purchase Susan’s books.

River of Grace Audio book with soundtrack music available now on Bandcamp.
Listen to the preface of the book, and all the songs.

00 harmony color book featured imageMany people find coloring to be a wonderful way to relax and experience harmony in their lives. Is that you? Join my Email List to subscribe to this blog and receive your free Harmony coloring book (and more).


Tips to Help You Move Forward Amidst Life’s Curveballs

Guest post by Julie Morris

When life throws a curveball, it can be difficult to find the way forward. But with the right tools and techniques, you can develop resilience and start moving towards your dreams. Whether you’re looking to launch a new business or just need some help unwinding, these tips from Be as One will help you take charge of your situation and make positive changes in your life.

Set Realistic Objectives

Setting achievable goals helps break down large tasks into manageable chunks while also providing regular benchmarks for success along the way, which promotes confidence and momentum during times of great change. Start by breaking down larger projects into smaller, more achievable goals, then prioritize those goals according to importance or urgency. This will allow for progress without feeling overwhelmed by the end goal ahead.

Think About a Career Change

 Now might be the perfect time to consider a career change if it’s something that has been on your mind lately. There are resources available both online and offline to guide those exploring different industries, including mentorships from professionals who have gone through similar transitions successfully before or informational interviews with people working within potential fields of interest.

Pursue Your Passion

Now more than ever, there are plenty of opportunities for turning passion into lucrative careers. If you’re seeking a job or career change, be sure to submit a resume, cover letter, and portfolio if you are in the artistic or writing field. If you’re trying to share your portfolio as a PDF but you’re having trouble with the file size (which is common when you start incorporating pictures), utilize a PDF compressor to make sharing your work easier and less stressful. Best of all, the tool is free to use!

Start a Business

Starting your own business can be a rewarding experience. Consider forming it as an LLC, so you can enjoy the benefits of limited liability, tax advantages, less paperwork, and increased flexibility. You can avoid hefty lawyer fees by filing yourself or by using a formation service. Before moving ahead, however, make sure to check the rules in your state, as forming an LLC will differ from one formed elsewhere.

Explore Relaxation Methods

Taking time to relax is essential when navigating major life changes. Find activities that soothe your mind and spirit, such as yoga, meditation, or even just a leisurely walk outdoors. Learning relaxation techniques will reduce stress levels so that you can make decisions with clarity and focus.

Be Optimistic

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when faced with significant changes in life, but don’t let yourself get discouraged. Staying optimistic is key to having the energy and enthusiasm necessary for taking on new challenges. Making small goals each day will keep you motivated, as well as give you peace of mind, knowing that progress is being made.

Move for a Fresh Start

Loving somewhere new can open up doors of opportunity that may have been previously unavailable to you. A fresh start in a space of your own can be a great way to downsize to minimize maintenance and living costs. If you’re considering renting, look into online listings and filter your home search for cost, home type, and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. Plus, some sites have virtual tours, so you don’t have to visit every property in person.

Life throws curveballs at us throughout our lives, but having the right tools and techniques readily available at our disposal makes navigating these situations much easier. Relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation can help to reduce stress levels. Setting achievable goals, transforming passions into a career, utilizing resources to stay organized, and launching a new business allows for certain benefits, as well. All of these create an effective plan for navigating drastic changes, making them invaluable assets worth considering.

Be as One is the work of Susan Bailey, a professional speaker, author, and musician. If you’d like to work together, feel free to email

Image via Pexels

Read this previous post by Julie Morris

Many people find coloring to be a wonderful way to relax and experience harmony in their lives. Is that you? Join my Email List to subscribe to this blog and receive your free Harmony coloring book (and more).

River of Grace Audio book with soundtrack music available now on Bandcamp. Listen to the preface of the book, and all the songs.

Susan Bailey, Author, Speaker, Musician on Facebook and Twitter
Read my other blog, Louisa May Alcott is My Passion


He’s Alive! A song to celebrate Easter

Happy Easter to all of you! Nothing is impossible for God.

“River of Grace:” a book of hope during this difficult pandemic

River of Grace: Creative Passages Through Difficult Times was my first book, written in 2015. In the book I reflect upon suffering in my life which included the deaths of my parents and the loss of my singing voice. By trusting in God even when I had no idea where He was leading me, I experienced transformation as a result of the creative power of grief.

River of Grace provides powerful personal stories of loss and grief along with creative ways to cope through trust and faith. It’s a book of hope during this difficult pandemic.

To give you a better idea of the nature of River of Grace, I invite you to watch/listen to a 40 minute presentation on the book which also includes some songs that amplify the meaning.

Where to order River of Grace

My publisher, Ave Maria Press, is holding a Labor Day Weekend sale — go to their website for 10% off the purchase price.


A tale of two eggs — meet Father Bob Jalbert, Maryknoll priest and missionary

I wanted to share with this story with you that appeared on the front page of this week’s Catholic Free Press for which I am pleased to be a correspondent. With all the negative press about priests, I wanted to present Father Bob as one of the good ones – a holy priest with a real heart for the Gospel message. He has learned so much from the people he has ministered to and I hope you will be blessed by his story.

Here is the link:



Susan’s latest CD, “Mater Dei” is now available!
Purchase here.

Many people find coloring to be a wonderful way to relax and experience harmony in their lives. Is that you? Join my Email List to subscribe to this blog and receive your free Harmony coloring book (and more).

River of Grace Audio book with soundtrack music available now on Bandcamp. Listen to the preface of the book, and all the songs.

Susan Bailey, Author, Speaker, Musician on Facebook and Twitter
Read my other blog, Louisa May Alcott is My Passion


The hard work of restoring God’s temple

My November, 2018 column in The Catholic Free Press.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19

I have not been a good caretaker of my body. While I did not abuse it with alcohol or drugs, I did neglect it. And as I enter my senior years, my body is whimpering to me with an assortment of aches and pains that reflect my neglect.

That neglect became entrenched over my lifetime, fed by discouragement and negativity (also known as sloth), convincing me that I could not lose weight nor keep my body in good physical condition. I pictured sloth as elephants sitting on my chest, preventing me from moving.

My run-down temple, which houses the God of the universe, was in need of restoration.

Church & tree, Flickr Creative Commons

A few years ago, I got one elephant to move away but not due to my efforts alone. I needed the Holy Spirit to spur me on. I credit my weight loss of thirty pounds over the course of a year to one moment where I took the time to pray the rosary during adoration. In that moment, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes, inspired me with ideas and then gave me the strength to carry them out. That elephant is now banished from my temple.

One elephant remained and this one would prove to be most stubborn, until recently. Again, I credit the Holy Spirit with the change, but the beginning of that intercession was not so easy to pin down.

I had been praying for my husband to take care of his temple. Overeating, smoking and lack of exercise resulted in a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes along with the beginning stages of COPD. My husband had three elephants that needed to be banished. It seemed impossible and it was, by human standards. Slowly however, they began to move on through the grace of God. The elephant of smoking moved first, chased away by a session of hypnosis. The result however was weight gain and spikes in blood sugar, in effect, strengthening the other two elephants. My husband was discouraged.

Sitting Omysha, Flickr Creative Commons

Patience and faithfulness to prayer won the day as my husband’s workplace opened up a gym and offered a personal trainer to employees for a fair price. Those elephants of his have been successfully banished; my husband now works out four days per week. He has lost weight, stabilized his blood sugar and feels energized. His temple is being restored.

I envied him; I wanted my last elephant to hit the road too! Because of shoulder and back problems, the only exercise I wanted to engage in was swimming. I had tried the local YMCA which has a beautiful but very popular (and crowded) pool. Being a slow swimmer, it was impossible to do laps with faster swimmers. A conversation with my hairdresser introduced me to the Whitin Community Center with not one but two pools, easing the overcrowding and allowing me the pleasure of swimming in open lanes. Twice per week I swim and pray the rosary, drinking in the many blessings. Slowly my temple is being restored. It will never be a totally fit place for God’s Spirit to dwell but now we are working together to make it a better dwelling place.

One might say all this was a coincidence for in the course of a few weeks, my husband and I had managed to throw off the sin of sloth and begin taking care of our bodies. I do not believe in coincidence however. These actions were too beautifully executed for them to be pure chance. God’s Holy Spirit, deigning to dwell in our run-down, beaten up, neglected temples, was waiting for the word from us to begin the restoration process. In some cases that word was given by praying for ourselves; in other cases, through intercessory prayer. But prayer along with desire to please God, was the key. While it takes little effort on our part to give that word, the patience needed to wait for the answer takes faith. That wait was rewarded.

I enjoy thinking back on how God’s grace has worked so brilliantly, showing yet again that all things are possible. We have to recognize that God’s vision is infinite while ours is limited. As we cannot see how our lives will work out, we must trust in God’s vision for He does see. And since He is all good, what can go wrong? In the end, all indeed will be well.

St. Teresa of Avila once said, “Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours.” A healthy body is needed to fulfill that directive. Taking good care of our temples makes that work possible.

Susan’s latest CD, “Mater Dei” is now available!
Purchase here.

Many people find coloring to be a wonderful way to relax and experience harmony in their lives. Is that you? Join my Email List to subscribe to this blog and receive your free Harmony coloring book (and more).

River of Grace Audio book with soundtrack music available now on Bandcamp. Listen to the preface of the book, and all the songs.

Susan Bailey, Author, Speaker, Musician on Facebook and Twitter
Read my other blog, Louisa May Alcott is My Passion



Attempting the impossible: describing my longing for God

How can I describe a longing for God? The scriptures describe it as a deer “panting” for streams of water (Psalm 42). The dictionary defines panting as a longing with breathless or intense eagerness; to yearn. Synonyms for panting include an ache, a craving, a desire. Hunger. Thirst.

Longing has equivalents in music: The sound of an oboe playing the “Going Home” theme from the second movement of Dvorak’s New World Symphony. A trumpet playing taps over a grave. Monks chanting, their voices in perfect unison stretching out the notes like a violin, back and forth, the voices swelling and then pulling back. The final note sung, hanging in mid air until it fades away.

Hernán Piñera Thanks for the music, mysterious form of time Flickr Creative Commons

Longing can be a pleasant feeling as it is for something good. My longing increases when God grants me the ability to sense and feel His presence; it is pure gift. It’s like the glow after a glass of wine. It’s the lightheaded peace I feel when swimming, moving slowly through the water and then floating, letting my body go limp. It’s that leftover warmth I feel when I visit my special friend after we have shared laughter, hopes and dreams, thoughts about God and our lives, occasional tears, and the Eucharist.

Longing can also hurt. It pulls inside of me causing a painful sensation. It is loneliness when the wall between God and myself becomes hard and thick due to apathy, pride and sin. It’s a constant sensation, often in the background but lately, more in the forefront. There is no concrete feeling or thought associated with my longing that can be sufficiently expressed in words; I only know that I yearn for God’s presence.

Sometimes God is so close to me that I cannot perceive him. I feel empty inside, alone and afraid. Frequently I wake in the middle of the night and try to reach out to him and feel no consolation. Yet my scant knowledge of God reminds me that He is near. Often that has to be enough, just to believe.

A seed was planted this summer after the silent weekend retreat with the Trappist Monks at St. Joseph’s Abbey. A tiny seed of longing. The seed has not yet matured enough to poke through the ground so it needs a great deal of care. My Catholic faith has supplied me with what I need to nourish it: prayers, hymns, the Word, the liturgy, the Eucharist and the community. And new tools and reminders: Gregorian chant, looking up at the sky, and swimming at the local health club. Beautiful, simple and concrete reminders of that which is beyond words to describe.

Winam Morning Swim Flickr Creative Commons

Perhaps the psalmist says it best:

As an antelope pants for streams of water,
so my soul pants for you, God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
When may I come and appear in God’s presence?

Susan’s latest CD, “Mater Dei” is now available!
Purchase here.

Many people find coloring to be a wonderful way to relax and experience harmony in their lives. Is that you? Join my Email List to subscribe to this blog and receive your free Harmony coloring book (and more).

River of Grace Audio book with soundtrack music available now on Bandcamp. Listen to the preface of the book, and all the songs.

Susan Bailey, Author, Speaker, Musician on Facebook and Twitter
Read my other blog, Louisa May Alcott is My Passion


Hearing God’s invitation in the silence

My latest Catholic Free Press column, September 14, 2018

I gave myself a birthday gift back in March by registering for  a weekend silent retreat at St. Joseph’s Abbey in Spencer, MA. A month after, the blessings are still unfolding.

As an introvert, I seek solitude. I prefer a quiet rhythm in my life that allows me time to think. Stepping away from my noisy world, I knew that a weekend of silence would be a challenge. I never dreamed that my first reaction would be intense loneliness.

There were eight other women on the retreat but we were instructed not to speak in the hallways or during meals. I felt separated from them, and from God. I knew it was because I had no idea how to depend upon Him alone for companionship. My loneliness was akin to how I feel in the middle of the night when He seems farthest away and all my fears are magnified. Yet I know I have to rely on faith, not feeling, to tell me He is near, so near that I cannot perceive Him.

Silence forced me to confront the wall that separated me from God, creating the loneliness. The surface nature of my spiritual life sharpened in clarity; I could no longer ignore those persistent invitations from God to go deeper with him.

There was another feeling besides loneliness – that of oppression. It was not a negative feeling but rather one that further imposed the silence. It was the reaction I experienced each time I entered the massive abbey chapel. We were permitted to attend Vespers, Lauds, and to celebrate mass with the monks, sitting in the back half while they occupied the front. To my delight and surprise we were permitted to walk through their area to the altar to receive communion; I considered that to be a privilege.

If anything reduced me to silence it was being inside that chapel. The power of God’s presence was overwhelming. The mystery, the awe, the majesty. Words failed me yet I sensed that my prayer was deeper as a result.

The monks too were mysterious: What were their lives all about? How did they come to discern their vocation when it is the very antithesis of life in the world today? How could they pray the same sort of prayers day after day and keep it fresh? How strong was the temptation to feel boredom or contempt at the familiarity of the rituals? How did they transcend that familiarity? After years of praying in that magnificent chapel, did the monks still feel that oppressive sense of God’s presence? Or was it better than that?

Openness to grace was the answer; soon God would show me how.

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During the weekend we gathered to listen to Father Timothy share some teachings; time was provided as well for one-on-one spiritual counsel. It was after that counsel that I began to notice openings in the wall.  While taking a walk around the magnificent grounds after an afternoon rain, I observed the clouds parting, allowing the clear blue sky to show through. I knew then it was an image provided by God, inviting me to remain open to His love. Now I can look at the sky every day and be reminded of that invitation.

This silent retreat was the best gift I could have given myself. I listen to Gregorian chant every day now to evoke memories of the monks in prayer. And the sky is a constant reminder of His call.

Silence no longer makes me feel lonely.

Susan’s latest CD, “Mater Dei” is now available!
Purchase here.

Many people find coloring to be a wonderful way to relax and experience harmony in their lives. Is that you? Join my Email List to subscribe to this blog and receive your free Harmony coloring book (and more).

River of Grace Audio book with soundtrack music available now on Bandcamp. Listen to the preface of the book, and all the songs.

Susan Bailey, Author, Speaker, Musician on Facebook and Twitter
Read my other blog, Louisa May Alcott is My Passion
